1. Legal Notice
GroupEAD Europe S.L. (GroupEAD) welcomes you to our webpage. The purpose of this webpage is to provide the general public information on products and services owned or transferred by GroupEAD. These provisions regulate accessing and browsing this GroupEAD webpage available to its Internet users.
GroupEAD Europe S.L. with the company tax code B82841552 (C.I.F – Tax Id. Number), has its registered offices in Madrid/Spain, C/ Avenida de Castilla 2, Edificio Francia – 28830 San Fernando de Henares. GroupEAD, is registered in the Companies Register of Madrid under hoja 281946, register 187, volume 16549, book 0, section 8.
2. General Terms and Conditions
These general conditions regulate accessing and using the GroupEAD webpage that GroupEAD makes available at no cost to its Internet users. Access to the same implies acceptance without reservations. The use of certain services offered on this webpage will also be governed by the specific terms and conditions stipulated in each case, which will be considered accepted by simply using such services.
GroupEAD does not guarantee that there will not be any interruptions or errors in accessing the webpage, in its contents or that the webpage will remain updated, although it will make its best effort to prevent, correct or update these situations, should they occur.
At any time and without advance notice, GroupEAD reserves the right to modify and update the information contained in its webpage, as well as its configuration, presentation and access conditions.
Both the access to this webpage as well as the use made of the information contained therein are the sole responsibility of the user. GroupEAD will not be held liable for any consequence, damage or prejudice that may arise of said access or use of the information. GroupEAD shall not be held liable for any security errors that may occur or any damages that may be incurred by the user's computer system or the files or documents stored in the same, as a result of viruses on the user's computer used to connect to the webpage's services and contents, of poor browser performance or of the use of outdated versions of the same.
GroupEAD will not be held liable for any issue resulting of links to or contents of third-party webpages referred to by its own webpage, and does not guarantee the absence of any viruses or other elements in these that could affect the user's computer system, documents or files, excluding any liability for damages of any type whatsoever caused to the user for this reason.
3. Privacy Note
The personal data processing carried out via the GroupEAD website is regulated according to the provisions of the European data protection regulation, Regulation (EU) 2016/679, General Data protection Regulation (GDPR), and other application regulations, for the purpose of guaranteeing at all times the fundamental right to data protection for users of the website. For further details please see the Privacy Note available on the GroupEAD webpage
4. Industrial and Intellectual Property
The intellectual property rights in relation to GroupEAD's webpage, source code, browsing structure, databases and all the items contained therein are the property of GroupEAD, which has the rights of exploitation of the same in any manner, and especially as regards the rights of reproduction, distribution, public disclosure and transformation.
Viewing, printing and partial downloading of the contents of the webpage are authorized solely and exclusively under the following conditions: i) That such actions are compatible with the purposes of the webpage ii) That such actions are carried out solely to obtain the information contained therein for personal and private use. Their use for commercial purposes or for distribution, public disclosure, transformation or decompilation is strictly forbidden. iii) Such document must always include a reference indicating that the contents are the property of GroupEAD. iv) That none of the contents on this webpage are modified in any way. v) That none of the graphics, icons or images available on this webpage are used, copied or distributed separately from the text or the rest of the images that accompany them.
This webpage may contain references to GroupEAD trade names or registered trademarks. Their use is prohibited without GroupEAD's prior and express content. All other references to other trade names or registered trademarks belong to their respective owners, without access to the webpage giving any right in relation to such trade names or registered trademarks.
GroupEAD is the holder of the industrial property rights related to its products and services. With respect to the references to third-party products and services. GroupEAD recognizes in favour of their holders the corresponding industrial and intellectual property rights. The fact that they may be mentioned or appear on the webpage does not imply the existence of any rights or responsibility by GroupEAD in relation to such industrial and intellectual property rights, nor any support, sponsorship or recommendation by GroupEAD.
Unauthorized use of the information contained on this webpage, its resale and the infringement of GroupEAD's intellectual or industrial property rights shall give rise to the legally established responsibilities.
5. Applicable Legislation and Jurisdiction
This legal warning and the rest of the contents in this webpage are governed by Spanish law; whereby, in the event of any controversy, GroupEAD and the user shall be subject to the Courts of the city of Madrid (Spain), waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply.